Sunday, August 21, 2016

Wroclaw, Take One

We flew into the Wroclaw and spent our first four days there, and returned to it twice. Psychologically, it was so wonderful to learn my way around a bit and then return there after other adventures and feel that something was familiar and known.

I was not in high picture-taking gear yet during this time. These are views from inside the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.

These are views of the city from the bell tower.

A short video of the Cathedral bells in action. No, I never claimed videography as one of my skills.
We were shown the Cathedral and surrounding buildings and monuments by a great guide, the first of several we met throughout the month. It struck me that usually these guides were also witnesses to the faith that inspired the buildings, their history, and everything about what we saw. It was their witness of faith that really made the places come alive for me. Generally speaking, they were not telling us simply about architecture, famous people, and historical dates. But even these spoke to me. Every time I stepped into yet another church that had stood for six or eight or nine centuries, I thought of how many believers in how many circumstances had stepped where I then stood. Coming from a culture where we have little history, and even less Catholic history, it was a profound reminder of the universality of the Church throughout time, not only lands and cultures.

The paths the first guide took us through I memorized by repeated walks. Like I said, that felt very good.

We also went to this Jesuit church, which will reappear again prominently towards the end of the pilgrimage.

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